AWA Flag Project

Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) and have had an amazing and wonderful response to its flag project.  There are more than 200 flags that have been sent in and more are coming. Artists of all ages and from across Canada have contributed to our caribou awareness campaign.

If you want to send a flag to add to our gallery –

  1. Designs must incorporate caribou in some way and be painted, drawn or made on a piece of fabric and measure 8” by 12” – artwork should be completed in a landscape view – the widest part of the fabric being the bottom edge.
  2. All submissions give permission to be used by AWA and its affiliated properties for promotional and social media purposes and possible publication in the Wild Lands Advocate; all flags will be displayed on receipt at the AWA offices
  3. Multiple submissions will be accepted
  4. Be sure to sign your work
  5. Completed flags must be sent by mail or delivered in person to 455 12 ST NW Calgary, AB T2N 1Y9